Compiling FLAT If you're feeling adventurous, or if you'd like to fiddle in the code, you can compile FLAT from source yourself either by forking/cloning the FLAT GitLab repository. FLAT uses a CMake build system for compiling, which you can invoke by running the following commmands in the game's root (FLAT): ----- $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake ../ $ make The binary should be located in a `FLAT_{platform}` folder (eg: `FLAT_Linux` after compilation). FLAT uses Allegro and requires development headers for the following dependencies: ----- allegro5 allegro5-addon-ttf allegro5-addon-audio allegro5-addon-acodec allegro5-addon-image Please see the file for a list of known issues and play instructions or the How To Play and Troubleshooting pages of this website.